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About Directorate of Public Prosecutions Odisha.

The Directorate of Prosecutions is an independent authority responsible for prosecuting criminal cases in Odisha. It supervises and monitors the conduct of Prosecution in various subordinate Courts of the State. The Principal function of the Director includes the administrative control of the Prosecution machinery and also to give advice whenever required in criminal matters.

The Prosecuting officers are under the supervisory control of the Director of Prosecutions. This Directorate is headed by the Director of Prosecution assisted by other subordinate Prosecuting officials and ministerial staff. The Director is assigned to perform duties and exercise power as given hereunder:-
1. The Director of Prosecution is the controlling authority for all the overall administrative functions related with Prosecution and supervises the functions of the Deputy Director of Prosecution, Public Prosecutor, Special Public Prosecutor, Additional Public Prosecutor, Associate Lawyer and Assistant Public Prosecutor.

2. The Director of Prosecution conducts review meetings and periodically scrutinizes the conduct of cases in each District, reviews the cases of under trial prisoners detained in custody, pendency position of pending cases under SC & ST (POA) Act pending in the Special Courts of the State, performance of the Special Public Prosecutor appointed to Prosecute SC & ST (POA) Act cases, so also old pending cases for investigation.

3. The Director would make frequent field visits to make personal review of the functioning of the Prosecuting officers in the field and assigned with the duty of making inquiries in respect of allegations of misconduct received against the Prosecutors.

4. The Director also participates in coordination meetings with police officers wherein suitable instructions and guidelines are issued for proper prosecution of the criminal cases.

About Directorate of Public Prosecutions Odisha.